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Hands and feet Hands and feet


And it’s urgent because - if you suffer from tingling or numbness in your hands or feet…

The same dangerous thing could happen to you someday soon…

So you need to know how to protect yourself.

Here’s what happened:

Paul’s elderly mother started screaming hysterically on a hot summer’s day last year.

It happened when Paul was standing on his mother’s driveway. He was watering her garden for her as a favor.

Paul spun around to look at his mother where she was standing at the doorway to the house.

She was staring at him, her hands clapped on her face, as she screamed, “Oh, my God! Paul!!!”

He quickly glanced around the yard and the street, looking for what was terrifying his mother. But it was just a typical sunny day in the neighborhood.

Kids were running under a sprinkler across the street.

A neighbor’s grill scented the air with the smell of charcoal and hamburgers.

And a lawnmower roared in a nearby yard.

Spinning back to face her, Paul yelled, “What?? What’s the matter?!”

His mother pointed at Paul’s bare feet. He looked down.

And his jaw dropped.


Red baloon Red baloon

Worse, when he lifted them up, he could see blisters and blackened areas on the soles of his feet.

The numbness in Paul’s feet had gotten so intense, he couldn’t feel the boiling hot pavement burning his feet…

… bad 2nd degree and 3rd degree BURNS that sent him to the emergency room.

And he hadn’t felt a thing.

It was the first time Paul felt truly scared about his NERVE DAMAGE.

It wasn’t just pins and needles any more. Or feeling like he was wearing invisible socks and gloves. Or being a little clumsy at times.


Paul’s mother is my friend Tara’s neighbor.

She was in her yard next door weeding when this happened. She was the one who called the ambulance.

When I heard this story, I was devastated for Paul.

I wish I’d known then what I know now.

Knowing this secret, I could have helped Paul address his nerve damage.

And helped him fix it before he got so numb he couldn’t feel his feet burning.

But I can help you. That’s why I made this video for you today.

If you suffer from numbness, tingling, or stabbing feelings in your hands and feet, keep watching.

Dr Holly Lucille Dr Holly Lucille

Because this NEW DISCOVERY could finally deliver blessed RELIEF. So get ready to ditch your pain pills… Hi, I’m Dr. Holly Lucille, and I’m a licensed naturopathic doctor.

And even though I’ve been on national programs like The Dr. Oz Show and The Doctors…

And I’ve been featured on Time Magazine’s ALT list as one of the top 100 influential people in the world…

Since childhood, I’ve been passionate about helping people transform their lives by living a healthy lifestyle.

As the daughter of two pharmacists, I grew up with the mantra that there’s a pill for almost every sickness.

But even as a child, I was troubled by this approach to health.

I always wanted to know “WHY?”

I would ask question after question hoping things would make more sense to me.

It got to the point where my parents wondered if they’d taken home the wrong baby from the hospital!

I’ve never stopped questioning the status quo, which is why it’s so important for me to share this life-changing information with you.

And as impossible as this all may seem…


I’ve heard stories like Paul’s many times from my patients over years.

Folks like you who are suffering from numbness… tingling… stabbing… pins and needles… and itching in their hands and feet.

This endless crazy-making feeling in your hands and feet can keep you from getting a decent night’s sleep.

It can keep you from focusing on complex paperwork or relaxing with your family.

It can even keep you from doing something as simple as buttoning a shirt.

And between the lack of sleep and the relentless pain, you may feel a bone-deep exhaustion all the time.

Sad man Sad man

Even worse, if you can’t feel your hands and feet because of intense NUMBNESS, you’re at high risk for accidents like Paul’s.

You can literally walk on broken glass… or deeply cut your finger… and feel no pain.

This can skyrocket your risk of burns, wounds, infections, and even broken bones.

Millions of Americans are suffering from nerve damage in their hands and feet right now.

And there’s no real solution. Just band-aid solutions - like pain medications - that only temporarily help with symptoms.

No one knew the root cause or clear culprit you could fight. Instead it could be your BLOOD SUGAR CONCERNS… MEDICATIONS… TOXINS…

The list of risk factors keeps going.

In fact, there are many cases of nerve damage where there was NO risk factor. Doctors couldn’t figure out what happened.

Even more perplexing, having a risk factor – like blood sugar concerns – doesn’t guarantee you’ll develop nerve damage in your hands and feet…

Many at-risk people never develop nerve damage.

The whole thing is a mystery… and that’s a BIG PROBLEM.

The longer your nerve damage continues, the worse your numbness, tingling, and stabbing can get.

Some nerve damage can even be disabling. Keeping you from living an independent, active life.


And now you finally can.

At last, Johns Hopkins scientists have cracked the code on this mystery…

They’ve uncovered the surprising hidden cause of numbness and tingling in your hands and feet.

And when you fix this hidden cause, your nerves can regenerate! REVERSING THE DAMAGE. * * *

That’s why the breakthrough I’m about to tell you about is so exciting. This breakthrough does exactly that: FIXES THE HIDDEN CAUSE OF NERVE DAMAGE.

So you can get the sweet relief you’ve been dreaming about… and may have thought was out of reach.


And because it’s drug free, you don’t need a prescription.

Just imagine…

Feeling the stabbing, stinging, and tingling in your hands and feet melt away until all your pain is gone….

Regaining the sensation in your numb feet and hands so they feel “normal” again…

Sleeping deeply through the night and waking up refreshed….

Getting back to the things you love like traveling, gardening, and exercising…

Doing things with ease that used to be hard like picking up a coffee cup with one hand… or sitting comfortably while watching a movie…

Feet Feet

Having fun and making memories with friends and family…

And living every day of your life to the fullest.

It’s all possible now thanks to this groundbreaking discovery.

How? Let me explain…

As you may know, nerve damage tends to hit your feet first. Then the damage travels up your legs. Once the damage reaches your knees, the tingling, stabbing and numbness often start in your hands.

Nerve damage is more common in older people. It’s also more common in taller people. *

But no one knew why.

So a group of scientists at Johns Hopkins University decided to find out.

The scientists looked at nerve samples taken during autopsies from 11 people who had nerve pain and 24 people who didn’t have nerve pain. *

And the scientists were shocked by what they saw.

They saw that the people who had nerve pain had significantly more damage to their mitochondria…


As you may know, mitochondria are tiny energy generators in your cells.

In fact, 95% of all the energy in your body is made by these tiny energy generators…

And mitochondria are vitally important for your health.

They keep your immune system going strong…

They keep your brain working in top condition…

They keep your heart beating….

And they keep thousands of other necessary body functions working smoothly.

Now new research shows how damage to your mitochondria can lead to a host of health problems…

Including blood sugar concerns… heart health worries… vision problems… memory lapses… and much more. * *

Cell Cell

And now the evidence is

It’s damage to your mitochondria that’s a real root cause of numbness and tingling in your hands and feet. Every day more new studies pour in confirming it. * * *

And it makes sense because of how nerves work.

Nerves work like telephone wires.

They send electrical messages from your hands and feet to your brain. These messages tell your brain what’s going on.

So if you’re getting a nice foot massage, your brain gets pleasure messages and you relax.

And if you’re stepping on sharp glass, your brain gets pain messages and you jerk away from the glass.

Well, mitochondria are the energy generators that help keep your nerves powering along and sending the correct messages to your brain.

But if your mitochondria get damaged, your nerves can start sending false messages… so you feel itching or burning in your hands and feet when there’s nothing there…

Your nerves can send “power surges”… so you feel stabbing pain, tingling, or pins and needles in your hands and feet…

Or your nerves can shut down entirely… so you feel little or nothing because of the numbness in your hands and feet.

But that’s not all…

Lower back pain Lower back pain

This discovery also explains why nerve damage starts in your feet and hands.

It also explains why older people and taller people are at higher risk.

You see, mitochondria in other cells in your body are replaced every month or two. So they don’t have to last very long before they’re replaced with fresh new mitochondria.

But the mitochondria in your nerve cells have to live MUCH longer.

Here’s why. The mitochondria in your nerve cells start in your spine and then have to go on a long journey all the way to your feet. *

This journey to your feet can take two to three years. Not months… YEARS! *

And unlike other cells’ mitochondria, your nerve cells’ mitochondria aren’t replaced even once during these years.

So the mitochondria in your feet and hands are much more likely to get damaged and stop working.

And that’s why your feet and hands tingle and feel numb.

The lead scientist in the study, Dr. Ahmet Hoke, M.D., explained it this way:

"Our mitochondria age as we age, and they have even longer to travel in tall people. In people who are older or taller, these mitochondria in the longest nerves are in even worse shape by the time they reach the feet." *

Dr. Hoke also confirmed that the future of nerve damage treatments is all about renewing your mitochondria.

When you renew your mitochondria, you can finally get relief from numbness and stabbing in your hands and feet.

That’s why I worked long hours and many late nights researching mitochondria. And I found something incredibly exciting.

It turns out there are unique nutrients that can restore your healthy mitochondria.

Even better, these nutrients are also clinically proven to deliver blessed relief from stinging, burning, and numbness in your feet. * *


The first ingredient I discovered was in the most unlikely place…

It’s a humble vegetable found in your local grocery store…

And it’s so simple you would never guess it’s the answer to your prayers… it’s…


Potatoes Potatoes

Sounds crazy? Here’s the story…

In 1937, pioneering researcher Esmond Snell was studying a type of bacteria. *

He wanted to find out how he could make this bacteria reproduce. So he tried growing it in different food juices. Nothing worked.

Then he tested potato juice. And finally the bacteria reproduced like crazy!

Looking closer, he discovered a weird vitamin-like antioxidant in the potato juice. It was the ONLY water and fat soluble nutrient he’d ever seen.

Being water and fat soluble allows this nutrient to work in every cell or tissue in your body. It doesn’t have the limitations of other antioxidants that are either water OR fat-soluble.

And further research confirmed this unique nutrient is used in practically every process in your body for vibrant health. That’s why scientists dubbed it “the universal antioxidant”.

I’m talking about...


And for this video I will refer to it as ALA.

Lopaic acid Lopaic acid

ALA has been revealed as one of the most potent solutions for nerve pain in existence. *

And now we know why. Because of its remarkable ability to stop damage to your mitochondria… and even regenerate your mitochondria at any age! In a cutting edge new study, researchers tested a group of mice for their mitochondrial function. * * *

Once they finished their tests, the researchers gave the mice either ALA in their drinking water or plain water.

Then the researchers tested the mitochondria in the mice again.

The result? Stunning!

Lower back pain Lower back pain

The researchers saw that the mice receiving ALA regenerated brand new mitochondria to replace their old damaged mitochondria!

This blew away the scientists because – until then – regenerating new mitochondria wasn’t considered possible.

The only thing they believed could happen if mitochondria got damaged was cell death.

So this was the first time a natural compound was able to effectively regenerate mitochondria in aging cells.

Now, this is a study of mice, not humans.

But considering how research has shown that ALA delivers powerful relief from nerve pain, it’s very possible that future studies will show how ALA regenerates mitochondria in humans too.

Here’s proof ALA delivers powerful nerve pain relief…

In a recent clinical study, researchers gave ALA or a placebo to 328 people suffering from tingling, burning, and stabbing in their feet and hands. *

And the results were astounding.

In just three weeks the group receiving ALA reduced their nerve pain by up to 52%.

Cutting their nerve pain in HALF!

So if you heard that you “just have to live with it”… and that nothing can restore your healthy nerves, you heard wrong.

ALA has been proven in clinical studies to deliver significant IMPROVEMENTS IN… * * * *

Dancing couple Dancing couple
  • PAIN

But there’s one problem with ALA…

It’s not bioavailable. So your body has a hard time absorbing and using it.

In fact, your body can only absorb a measly 10% of the ALA you take in a pill. *

So regular ALA may not deliver any relief from numbness and tingling in your hands and feet.

But breakthrough ingredient BioEnhanced R-Lipoic Acids (R-ALA) might. R-ALA delivers a pure, stabilized form of ALA that’s up to 12 TIMES more bioavailable and effective. *

So you’ll get the maximum benefit – and feel the difference.

But we didn’t stop there…

The 2nd ingredient in this breakthrough formula regenerates the mitochondria in your nerves in a different way…

In fact, your nerve pain may be caused by an overlooked vitamin deficiency!

And I’m not talking about any of the famous nerve health B vitamins.

What is it?


Vitamin D Vitamin D

It turns out that if you’re deficient in vitamin D, it could be damaging your mitochondria…

And this vitamin D deficiency is shown to wreak havoc with your nerves.

What’s more, you’re probably deficient. According to a report by Scientific American, a whopping three-quarters of U.S. adults are deficient in vitamin D. *

But here’s good news. Taking vitamin D to correct this deficiency can recharge your mitochondria to full power… and deliver sweet relief from your nerve pain.

In a study out of England, researchers measured mitochondrial function in vitamin-D deficient people. *

Then the researchers gave these people vitamin D pills.

And the researchers were stunned by what happened. Because 100% of the patients had a significant improvement in their mitochondrial function!

That’s amazing. A 100% success rate!

But can fixing a vitamin D deficiency deliver relief from your nerve pain and numbness?

You bet!

In another study published in the prestigious journal JAMA, researchers found 51 people with nerve pain who were also vitamin D deficient. * *

The researchers asked the participants to rate the severity of their pain at the start of the study. Then they gave the participants vitamin D supplements for 3 months.

At the halfway mark and then again at the end of 3 months, they asked the participants to rate their pain again.

And what they saw floored them!

Dr Holly Lucille Dr Holly Lucille

Because at the halfway mark, the participants reported a whopping 48.5% decrease in nerve pain…

And at the end of the study, the participants enjoyed an ADDITIONAL 39.4% decrease in nerve pain.

That means these participants had a staggering 87.9% reduction in stabbing, burning, and tingling in their hands and feet. Just from taking a vitamin D pill!

But that’s not all…

New research shows how vitamin D helps your body grow new nerve endings. *

This is amazing. Because your nerve endings are what helps detect feelings like pain, cold, and heat.

If you have nerve pain or numbness, it’s your damaged nerve endings that are making you miserable.

So by growing new nerve endings with vitamin D, you literally repair the damage.

But you must get the right type of vitamin D to get these kinds of results. Not all vitamin D is created alike.

The most common kind of vitamin D is D2. This is the kind you’ll find at your local drugstore. It’s also the least expensive kind that’s in fortified foods.

Then there’s vitamin D3. This is the kind of vitamin D your body makes naturally from the sun. It’s also not as easy to find in foods and drugstore supplements.

So which do you choose? It turns out vitamin D3 is the winner when it comes to nerve damage.

When researchers compared vitamins D2 and D3, vitamin D3 delivered significantly more healing and recovery from nerve damage than vitamin D2. *

Nerves Nerves

But recharging your mitochondria with R-ALA and vitamin D simply isn’t enough.

If your nerve damage is making your life miserable, you need to speed up the repair process ASAP.

And the first place to start is with repairing the damage to the protective myelin coating around your delicate nerves…

When you have damage to the myelin coating, your nerves are exposed and the damage gets worse.

This damage shuts down the communication between your nerves and your brain. So you feel numbness, stabbing, and tingling.

This is where the next nutrient is a hero.

I’m talking about...


Vitamin B-12 repairs your protective myelin coating. So your nerves start communicating correctly with your brain again. And you finally get relief. *

In one study, researchers gave nerve-damaged rats vitamin B-12 or a placebo. *

Then they tested the rats’ nerve health after 1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, and 24 hours.

And the results amazed them.

That’s because the rats taking B-12 had significant nerve regeneration with every test!

That means the rats’ nerves REGREW every hour. Just from taking vitamin B-12!

But, just like vitamin D, you must get the right type of vitamin B-12.

Vitamin B12 Vitamin B12

As you may know, there are two types of vitamin B-12, cyanocobalamin and methylcobalamin.

The first one – cyanocobalamin – is hard to digest. So you don’t get the full benefit.

That’s why I recommend methylcobalamin. This form of B-12 is easy to digest so your body can use it right away to start repairing your damaged nerves. *

There’s another nutrient that repairs the communication between your nerves and your brain…

And this time it’s all about the brain part of that communication.

You see, problems with your brain’s neurotransmitters can send out-of-control pain and numbness signals. *

So you can’t get relief. The wrong messages keep getting sent.

But there’s a nutrient that can help fix this mixed up communication.

This nutrient boosts your body’s creation of neurotransmitters to restore sanity to the communication between your brain and your hands and feet. *

So instead of sending pain signals all night while you’re trying to sleep, the crazy communication stops. And you can finally get some rest!

What is this nutrient?


Vitamin B6 Vitamin B6

Research shows how vitamin B6 improves nerve density in your feet. *

Nerve density in your feet is important.

The more nerves you have in your feet, the easier it is for them to send clear and correct messages to your brain. And helps put an end to tingling, numbness, and stinging.

After finding these unique nutrients, I reached out to a group of professional researchers and laboratories here in the US. It’s a group called PureHealth Research.

Working together, we created the world’s first formula designed to restore the healthy mitochondria in your nerves so you can finally end your misery. *

It’s called...


Nerve Regen Formula Bottle

Nerve ReGen Formula works for everyone because it fixes the root cause of nerve damage.

Meaning… even if your nerves in your feet and hands have been driving you crazy for years… even if you’re “too old”… and even if you’ve tried everything and nothing’s worked…

Now you can fix the root cause and get “feel like new” hands and feet!

So if you’re ready to put an end to the nerve pain nightmare, keep watching this presentation. Because I’m going to introduce how Nerve ReGen Formula that can do all of this and more.

With Nerve ReGen Formula, you get BioEnhanced R-Lipoic Acids (R-ALA), Vitamin D3, a potent 4 mg of vitamin B6, 2,000 mcg of the methylcobalamin form of vitamin B-12.

Chamomile flower Chamomile flower

And to make sure you get maximum relief, we’ve also included…

Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): Studies show how riboflavin also boosts your mitochondrial function - so your body can regenerate healthy nerves in your hands and feet. *

Benfotiamine (Vitamin B1): This highly absorbable form of vitamin B1 is shown to reduce nerve pain and supercharge nerve repair. * *

Feverfew: Feverfew is a daisy-like herb that reduces age-related inflammation to help relieve pain. *

Flower Flower

Oat Straw: Oat Straw helps improve healthy blood flow to your hands and feet to nourish your nerves. *

Skullcap: This ancient remedy is shown to help your body produce more of the relaxing neurotransmitter, GABA, to calm your stressed out nerves. *

Acetyl L-Carnitine: The Mayo Clinic confirms how this amino acid supports not only healthy nerve cell function – it also helps regenerate healthy nerves.

So there you have it. Altogether you get 11 vital nerve nutrients in Nerve ReGen Formula.

These nutrients…

  • FIX the root cause of tingling and numbness in your feet and hands
  • HEAL your fragile, damaged nerves
  • DELIVER blessed relief at long last

And you get ALL of them in one easy-to-take supplement!

Now, are you ready to find out how to try Nerve ReGen Formula?

Before you do, there’s something else you should know.

Because when you restore the health of your mitochondria with Nerve ReGen Formula, you get even more than nerve pain relief…

You also get to enjoy ALL the other benefits of having supercharged mitochondria! The nutrients in Nerve ReGen Formula support…. * * * *

  • Boundless jitter-free energy
  • Healthy blood sugar levels
  • Deep restful sleep
  • Sharper thinking
  • Strong immune health
  • Flexible joints

And much more!

Product Product

That’s right. ALL these benefits in just two easy-to-swallow capsules.

All you need to do is give Nerve ReGen Formula a try and see for yourself.

And remember, this formula is BRAND NEW.

This is the first time it’s being released to the public.

That’s why we’re offering you a special introductory offer today.

But it’s only going to be available at this price for a very limited time. Here’s why…

When we put the finishing touches on Nerve ReGen Formula, we decided we would charge $150 per bottle.

And when you think about all the time that went into testing and researching…

… plus finding the highest quality ingredients and the exact right dose…

Along with how life-changing this formula could be…

Well, I think you’ll agree…

… it would be a bargain at that price.

After all, how much is it worth to you to finally get relief from numbness and tingling in your hands and feet?

To sleep deeply all night and wake up energized for your day?

To get back to living life with zest and excitement?

Plus all the other anti-aging benefits I listed?

If you’re anything like me, you’d pay hundreds and even thousands to reclaim your vibrant health and keep it for life.

Product bottle Product bottle

But I know $150 is out of reach for a lot of people.

And I want to make Nerve ReGen Formula available to everyone who needs it.

So I sat down with the folks at PureHealth Research and they agreed to bring the price down to $29.

Think about it… that’s just $0.97 a day. That’s less than a cup of latte!

And you can save EVEN MORE by selecting a 6 month supply at checkout. Which is the smart move… and costs just $0.73 a day!

Let’s do it this way…

Go ahead and click the button underneath…

When you click the button, you will be taken to a secure checkout page.

This checkout page is completely secure because we use an encrypted merchant account with the same high level security as websites like Walmart and Amazon.com.

So you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your information is 100% safe.

On that secure page simply tell me where to send your supply of Nerve ReGen Formula, enter your payment info, and we’ll handle the rest.

Now it’s time for you to make a choice...

You can continue along the same path you’re on today….

… continue to suffer from nerve pain…

…. and even feel it grow worse every day….

Or you can make the decision to try out Nerve ReGen Formula.

For less than the cost of a small latte per day, this amazing breakthrough helps you get powerful relief from nerve pain…

Three product bottles Three product bottles

With Nerve ReGen Formula, you can make numbness and tingling a thing of the past…

You can get back to doing all the things you love…

… and hold on to your independence!

But you don’t have to take my word for it.

I’m so confident you’re going to love this remarkable nerve-health formula, I want you to try Nerve ReGen Formula with a 365 day money back guarantee.

That’s right…

You get much more than just 30 days or 90 days to try it… you get a FULL YEAR to decide!

Either you LOVE it

….or you get every penny back.

Just send us an email within the next year and you'll get a prompt and courteous refund of every penny you paid for Nerve ReGen formula.

No questions, no hassles. Just a big “thank you!” for giving Nerve ReGen Formula a try….

So there’s absolutely no risk when you say “yes” and order today.

And there’s also something else you’ll get when you take action now…

Because when you try Nerve ReGen Formula today, I’m also going to give you two FREE Bonus eBooks.


The first one is called “12 Natural Ways to Balance Your Blood Sugar”

Inside you’ll discover 12 little-known ways to naturally balance your blood sugar levels…

This eBook is worth $39.95… and it’s yours FREE.


The second eBook is also worth $39.95. It’s called…

“Detox Your Body in 30 Days”

You’ll find out how easy it is to reduce your exposure to all the dangerous toxins in our world today…

And painlessly flush them right out of your body for vibrant health!

That’s $79.90 in FREE gifts when you try Nerve ReGen Formula today.

And these bonuses are yours to keep whatever you decide.

There will be no further cost or obligation. This way you risk nothing.

But remember, this “early bird” deal could disappear at any time.

When you try this breakthrough today, you’ll get the biggest savings that will ever be offered.

And no matter what you decide, you’ll have a full 365 days to try Nerve ReGen Formula for yourself.

Three product bottles with badge Three product bottles with badge

But because of limited supplies, we’re likely to sell out fast.

And if you put it off, we may not have any more in stock until we get the next batch in.

So give Nerve ReGen Formula a risk-free try today.

Thanks for watching, I’m Dr. Holly Lucille

Click the button below now.

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